Montreal is a popular destination of choice for those seeking to migrate to Canada. It is the largest city in the province of Quebec. There are various ways to travel there depending on your interest: study or work. Below we explore the options available to migrate to Montreal with the opportunity of permanent residency.
Regular Skilled Worker Program
The Regular Skilled Worker Program (RSWP) creates opportunities for those interested in migrating to Quebec to work. To apply for the migration program, you must declare your interest in immigrating to Quebec and your profile will be assessed. If you are considered eligible, an invitation will be sent to you to apply. The RSWP selects individuals who are trained professionally with skills that will be valuable to the Quebec workforce and economy. The factors that skilled applicants are assessed against are:
Quebec Experience Program
The Quebec Experience Program (PEQ) is aimed at international students who are Quebec graduates or temporary foreign workers and provides an opportunity for them to settle in Quebec permanently.
Quebec Graduates
The following eligibility criteria apply:
Temporary Foreign Workers
The following eligibility criteria apply:
Quebec Business Immigration
Quebec encourages business immigration through three different programs depending on the applicant’s experience and preference.
Entrepreneur Program
The Entrepreneur Program is designed for applicants who are interested in migrating to Quebec to establish or purchase a business. To be eligible for this migration program, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Must settle in Quebec and start or operate a business
- Must present a business project through a business plan format
- Must obtain an attestation of learning about democratic values and Quebec values
- Must settle in Quebec and start or operate a business
- Must have a minimum net worth of CAD $900,000
- Must present a business project through a business plan format
- Must obtain an attestation of learning about democratic values and Quebec values
- Must own and control at least 25% of the business’ equity capital
- Business must not be involved in some business activities
- Business must have been in operation during the five years prior to the date of your application
Investor Program
The Investor Program is for applications looking to migrate to Quebec to participate in economic development by making a large investment in Quebec’s future. To be eligible for the Investor Program, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Have minimum net assets of CAD $2,000,000
- Have management experience of at least two years in the five years prior to submitting your application
- Intend to settle in Quebec
- Sign an investment agreement with a financial intermediary authorized to participate in the Investor Program
- Make a give-year term investment of CAD $1,200,000 with Investissement Quebec – Immigrants Investisseurs Inc.
- Obtain an attestation of learning about democratic values and Quebec values
Employed Worker Program
The Employed Worker Program is for individuals who are interested in creating their own job through self-employment or engaging in a trade. To be eligible for this program, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Migrate to Quebec to practice a profession or business activities
- Make a start-up deposit at a financial institution located in the region you intend to practice your profession or business activities
- Minimum CAD $25,000 start up deposit if you intend to practice your profession outside the Montreal Metropolitan Community (MMC)
- Minimum CAD $50,000 start up deposit if you intend to practice your profession in the MMC area
- Have minimum net assets of CAD $100,000
- Have at least two years of experience as self-employed worker or in the trade you intend to practice in
- Obtain an attestation of learning about democratic values and the Quebec values
Quebec-Selected Skilled Workers Program and Government of Canada
The Quebec Government and the Government of Canada work together through the Quebec-Selected Skilled Workers Program to streamline migration applications for skilled workers who are looking to settle as permanent residents in Quebec. To immigrate to Canada through the Quebec-Selected Skilled Workers Program, applicants must apply as follows:

Adriana Chipman
Juris Doctor (University of Melbourne)
Adriana is one of our immigration agent assistants. She graduated from the Juris Doctor at the University of Melbourne at the end of 2020. She is currently completing her Graduate Diploma in Practical Legal Training at Leo Cussen Centre for Law in Melbourne, Victoria.
With her experience in volunteering for not-for-profit organisations in addition to conducting legal research, drafting documents, and engaging with clients
Adriana works to assist our team in any and all administration matters relating to immigration.
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